

We’ve got some meaningful, fun, and inspiring projects ready to be picked back up for 2023/2024. Here are just a few. Please revisit this page for updates or follow us on our Orcas PTSA Facebook Page.



Part of supporting and building a positive social-emotional environment is having fun. Join our roller skating events three times a month to meet other parents, kids, grandparents, and community members. Everyone who joins the PTSA with a $10 membership, will receive one Family Pass that gets them into a skate night for free. The savings pays for your membership and supports the work we PTSA parents and teachers and community members do on behalf of all kids. Find more information and our schedule at our Roller Skating Page.


Movie Night

Stay in touch on our Movie Page. We’ll be updating it soon with our selected movies. Movies will be played in the new “old” gym on the Middle School campus. If you’d like to volunteer, please reach out in person to a PTSA mom, your room parent, or by PTSA EMAIL.


Flag Fundraiser

Goals feel more achievable when someone you know has paved the way. Call it leading by example, mentoring, or inspiration, if you will. We want our Orcas Island kids to know about and be proud of where you went to college or trade school or how you found happiness through trade schools, farming, art school or an entrepreneurial path. We are asking the community to make a donation to this project so that we can purchase the college or college-alternative flag of your choice. The flags will be hung in school so that kids can be inspired and motivated for years to come.

In addition to being able to obtain traditional college flags and pennants, Orcas Island public school students Birdie Greening, Gray Gailey and Isabella Evans have created original flags to represent farmers, Art school and Entrepreneurs. Special thanks, too, to community artists Martha Farish and Nick Schulz for allowing us to use their artwork for our Trade Schools flag and Artist flag.

Ready to give? Visit our Donate Page.

Download the Flag Fundraiser flier and donate online or email our flag fundraiser committee.


A New Room Parent System

Our school has been interested in a room parent communication system in past years. PTSA is stepping up to help them organize it. Based on successful room parent systems in place at other schools, each classroom will have a room parent whose job it is to help teachers and administrators communicate with parents. Need to organize a classroom potluck? Your room parent can do that. Does your teacher really want classroom supplies to bring curriculum alive for your kids? The room parent can help rally parents to make that happen! How about organizing end-of-year of holiday gift baskets to thank your teacher for all their hard work and sacrifice? Yes, at other schools, room parents can make that happen. Essentially, the plan is to create more effective communications and RELIEVE your teacher of this job so that they can focus more on teaching. But we can only do that with your help. They will not bombard you with emails. They will only be permitted to reach out to you with your teacher’s permission. They’ll also keep you abreast of important info you may have missed in the bulletin. They will never be allowed to use the mailing list for self-promotion or unapproved activities. So, when you have a chance, if you have not already, please make sure we have your email, child’s name, and classroom! Email us at PTSA and we will add you to the list.